

Bohemians FC Waterford: Overcoming Challenges in Facilities and Volunteer Recruitment

Bohemians FC Waterford: Overcoming Challenges in Facilities and Volunteer Recruitment


Bohemians FC Waterford has emerged as a prominent football club, but like many grassroots organizations, it faces challenges that impact its growth and development. In an insightful conversation with Ian Barret, we delve into the pressing issues of facilities and volunteer recruitment. Discover the club's efforts to address these challenges and create a sense of belonging for its members.

Addressing Gender Dynamics and Encouraging Female Participation:

Recognizing the unique nuances that come with coaching female players, Bohemians FC Waterford aims to create an inclusive environment that nurtures both boys and girls. Inspired by the GAA's successful model of female liaison officers, the club values female participation in every aspect of the organization. By involving girls in academies and transition year programs, the club paves the way for their continued involvement as players, coaches, and role models within the club.

The Facility Challenge:

Bohemians FC Waterford faces a significant hurdle in terms of facilities. With only one grass pitch to accommodate approximately 33 teams and around 500 club members, the club must navigate the limitations of a single playing surface. During the winter months, the heavy pattern on the pitch poses additional challenges. To mitigate this issue, the club maximizes training opportunities by utilizing an on-site astro pitch and renting local sports facilities for additional training sessions.

Volunteer Recruitment and Player Retention:

With a large number of teams, Bohemians FC Waterford places a strong emphasis on volunteer recruitment. The club acknowledges that securing enough coaches can be time-consuming but rewarding. One of the critical challenges lies in player retention as young athletes face competing interests and must choose which path to pursue. BBohemians FC Waterford strives to provide a supportive and engaging environment that encourages players to remain involved in football.

Comparison with GAA Clubs and Other Facilities:

In comparison to neighboring GAA clubs, Bohemians FC Waterford faces similar challenges in terms of facilities. While the GAA club across the road boasts an astro pitch and a grass pitch, both clubs must make do with limited resources. The rental of additional training spaces, such as regional sports centers and local facilities like the Kingfisher Club, helps accommodate the club's training needs. However, playing on home ground remains a priority for fostering a sense of belonging.

Optimizing Resources and Overcoming Obstacles:

Despite the challenges, Bohemians FC Waterford strives to make the most of available resources. The club ensures that rented facilities provide necessary amenities such as dressing rooms and toilets. However, the fragmented nature of training and playing in different locations can affect the sense of unity within the club. Recognizing the need for improved facilities and a consolidated base, Bohemians FC Waterford continues to seek avenues for growth and development.


Bohemians FC Waterford faces the common hurdles of limited facilities and volunteer recruitment, but the club remains committed to overcoming these challenges. By fostering an inclusive environment, encouraging female participation, and optimizing available resources, the club is determined to provide quality football experiences for its members. As Bohemians FC Waterford continues to navigate the demands of a growing membership, it remains steadfast in its mission to promote the sport and create a sense of belonging for all involved.

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