

Grassroots football clubs need help and StrikerOnline has a Mint+ offer

Grassroots football clubs need help and StrikerOnline has a Mint+ offer

Mintplus supporting StrikerOnline in developing and promoting Irish Grassroots Football

Mintplus supporting StrikerOnline in developing and promoting Irish Grassroots Football

The game is in a serious growth and there are challenges at every level from rasing team and club funds to navigating the ever changing transfer windows. However, technology is flooding the game and clubs need help in understanding how this technology can help them overcome these challenges.

The emerging technology is only as good as how it is deployed. The tech can be scary and off putting and there are huge learning curves that can be shortened with simple guides and advice. StrikerOnline has a vision of how content can be captured, stored, curated and dsitributed in a way that generates income for clubs and their teams. have come on board as a major sponsor of this vision. They are going to help StrikerOnline encourage clubs to seek advice and or provide the content they capture even on their own mobile phones. Over the course of 2023 StrikerOnline will work tirelessless to develop a club’s ability to capture and provide content which will be dsitributed through StrikerOnline’s partners and deliver the exposure the club, team and league sponsoirs are looking for.

Our vision is that clubs will gradually learn that we must “compete on the pitch and collaborate off it”. It is only through a collaborative approach that clubs and teams can generate the interest in the leagues and competitions they play in. These individual league ecosystems within each League Association present superb opportunities for content generation, curation and story-telling.

Teams have their own communities and each team plays in a league with another 10-15 other teams and their communities. Each community has sponsors who are willing to get involved but require a more commercially driven infrastruture and organisation. They want a professionally delivered marketing platform for their brands and messages. Only by working together can we generate the “eyeballs” which will make sponsoring a local team or club a genuinely good and rewarding business decision.

At StrikerOnline this is what we have been researching and developing throughout 2022. We are now ready to go and help clubs directly. Click here to learn more.

A simple graphic illustrating a funding template, we will help use your conetnt to tell your story.

StrikerOnline is growing its contributor base. We are adding a Coaching Corner Blog with Podcasts, Vlogs and other engaging content. We are partnering with progressive, modern and fast acting suppliers who are enthusiastically involved in Irish Grassroots Football.

With over 2,500 clubs and almost 400,000 registered players our market needs to be serviced to a higher level. It starts with StrikerOnline and you. We can only do this by helping the many thousands of volunteers who are on the ground donating their time and sanity introducing players into academies and developing them through the underage setup. Help us help you, please get in touch and connect through this form.. Every submission will be included in a raffle at the end of February for a phone from

The grassroots content revolution is in full flow, get in touch and strap in!

Here is one of our first projects - a 6 week Futsal Festival starting on January 7th at Gormanston College.

Media & Match Report Request Form

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